We know that the Dutch labour market is tight (more vacancies that unemployed people). The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) reports there were 114 vacancies for every 100 job seekers in the Netherlands in 2023 Q4. Yet only 46% of employers surveyed by the UWV will hire a candidate for a difficult to fill position that doesn’t fully meet the job requirements and provide on-the-job training.
In this talent shortage no one’s skills can be overlooked. HIRE PEOPLE NOT PAPER is a challenge to the current recruitment status quo to hire based on skills rather than just degrees and education.

There are many pools of untapped professionals such as partners, spouses, refugees, and students that could be the answer to talent shortages. With more than 22,000 spouses living the Brabant region, there is talent available for every industry if we think outside of the box.

There are three types of actions to HIRE PEOPLE NOT PAPER brand, that will help your organisation reach talent and fill vacancies so the Brainport region can continue to thrive:
Sponsored Recruitment Events for a Single Organisation
Working closely with your human resources and/or talent acquisition team, we will craft a bespoke recruitment event by filtering our international talent pool of over 3.500 professionals to match your current open vacancies. Talents will be meticulously vetted and personally invited to attend the event, so everyone present is a potential new hire.

General Recruitment
The Expat Spouses Initiative team will take part in various recruitment events hosted by other organisations or partners. Our activities will be geared toward bringing the international talent closer to recruitment professionals in fun and innovative ways.
For this event, we will not screen talent, but we will promote the event and invite our community to attend.
Talent100 Closing Event
At the close of every edition of the Talent100 program, is an event for participating Talents, organisations, recruitment professionals, and government officials. The event is designed to be a thought-provoking event to stimulate recruitment or governmental change and introduce Talents and companies to one another.